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for 2 nd Branch in Buena Park of Gangnam Station Korean BBQ Los Angeles, Grand
Opening 2/1/2023

Gangnam Station Korean BBQ, Los Angeles is the Busiest Korean BBQ in Los Angeles, with Top Tier TIPS
Please check Gangnam Station Korean BBQ, Los Angeles YELP and INSTAGRAM how we are doing!!!

5 Reasons to work with Gangnam Station, Buena Park
1) Above minimum wages + Top Tier Tips Guaranteed
2) Top Quality Interiors for Modern and Exciting Atmosphere with the Best Management
3) One of the Most Voluminous Restaurants in Orange County in the heart of Buena Park in OC
4) All Meats are USDA Choice, Prime or Prime Black Angus, and Very Affordable Prices for mass
volume to create more than 90% repeat customers
5) We have the strongest Marketing Management in USA.
Number of Opening Positions for waitstaff: 17
1 General Supervisor: Position Filled
4 Head waitstaff: 1positon filled / needs 3 more Head waitstaff
12 Waitstaff: 3 Filled / needs 9 more Waitstaff

We offer LA City Minimum wages for Waitstaff, even though 2 nd Brach in Orange County Location
minimum is $15.50
Waitstaff Minimum Wage: $16.00, negotiable for those highly qualified employees + Top Tier Tips
Head Waitstaff Minimum Wage: $18.00, negotiable to highly qualified employees + Top Tier Tips

Number of Opening Positions for Host: 3
Minimum Wages: $19 + tips

Number of Opening Positions Bussers: 8
Minimum Wages: $15.50 + tips

Requirements for all candidates
Must be 18 years or older to serve alcohol (based on state regulations)
Previous Korean BBQ as a server is preferred
Flexible to work a variety of shifts
Waiter / Waitress will focus on guest service / waiting tables in which you will be expected to provide
great customer service
Head Waitstaff must interact with co-workers in a friendly and thoughtful manner in addition to other
Waiters / Waitresses

안녕하세요. 프리미엄 무제한 고깃집, 강남역 비비큐에서, 2월에 2호점을 오픈합니다.
경력있는 서버분, 버서, 호스트 모집합니다, 이미 이름이 알려저 많이 바쁜 비즈니스며 팁도 잘 나옵니다.
부에나팍 지점이지만 엘에이 시급에 맞춰드리며, 경력자 우대 해드리고있으니, 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.
활발한 마케팅활동과, 맛, 서비스면에서 무제한이면서도 프리미엄으로 즐기실수있게 매니지먼트에서 많은 노력을하며
더 넓어지고 쾌적한 환경에서 일하실수있습니다.
궁금하신점은 편하게 연락주세요. 친절히 답변 드리겠습니다.

서버 인원 :17명
호스티스 : 3명
버서 : 8명

많은 지원과 추천 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다
Please call, email, or Text for more information


Thanks for submitting!

Los Angeles - 3785 Wilshire Blvd, CA 90010 - (213) 908-6700

Buena Park - 5333 Beach Blvd, CA 90621 - (714) 735-8204

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